Saturday, December 22, 2007


These years I visited this city a lots of times. Most of times are for work. So I don’t really enjoy this city. I have to say, “This is a beautiful and kindly city.” This Saturday, we visited this city again, but this time, we enjoy it with our friend who lives in this city. She showed us what a fantastic mountain scene and what are friendly people here.
雖然只有短短一天行程,卻走訪了四戶人家以及一地自然景觀,而龍鳳兩瀑布,原以為會令人很累,沒想到,腳步緩慢進行之下,竟然很快就展現在眼前,和絢的流水聲中亦驚見冬眠中的青竹絲及以愛玩的螃蟹。 走出龍鳳瀑布拐進另一友人家中去,正好他們在院中曬剛採收的洛神花,附近還一大片花海尚未採收,原來啊,洛神花長得如此矮小呢,一直都以為它應是高高長在樹上採收的。友人家中真像寶庫,但呆呆的我竟然被騙吃了一片川心蓮,救命喲,為什麼事後才跟我說它比黃蓮還要苦,明明只有一小口而已啊。




Wednesday, December 19, 2007

accept or reject

accept or reject
During these weeks, there were a lots things happened. Some decision was made. I never though that I will leave a office in a short time. Sometimes I questioned my Lord how could it happen? Wasn’t I here? I have to say that I don’t have enough faith to trust in my Lord. I feel afraid. Things are always changeable. I still try to obey. The voices surround me just tell me again and again, “you are not ok.” Each time I reject the sticker, there are more stickers come through my rejection. Finally, I have to decide to accept or still reject it. After rejecting those voices, I still question my Lord. What’s Your will? I just like a blind walk on the way. Can’t see. On the way home, I got a phone call. Is it the answer? I don’t know. But I sill want to pray to have the courage to accept what You want me to do. Let me walk under Your will.

---------Felicia on the way home