I am so happy! This is a blessing! Who can image that my PDA could work again! After more than 7 months, it works again! I told myself again and again: " Give it up! Give it up!" I bought it since 2000. It wroked with me for a long time. Something wrong in last Aug., I tried to reset it. Since that monent, it doesn't work anymore. I felt so sad, and tried to fix it. Nomatter what I had done, it doesn't work anymore. Right Now, this Chinese New Year vacation, it works again! what a blessing it is!
天啊,真是不敢相信,在一個誤打誤撞的機會之下,那罷機已久的PPDA竟然被RESET成功了。本來一直處於當機狀態的畫面,動也不動,不管我試了多少方法以及按了多少次重置鍵,它一直當在初始畫面的狀態竟然解除了!我心愛的PDA又再次可以作業了。簡直是不敢置信,都七個多月了,多少次跟自己說應該要放棄了,但又捨不得,它跟了我那麼多年了,不是說可以割捨就割捨得掉的。沒想到,它又可以再陪伴我下去了。說真的,這幾個月少了它,很多事都覺得綁手綁腳的,一直以為它對我是沒有太大影響力的,但實際上卻不然。真高興它又回來了,我心愛的Palm Vx.