Friday, May 14, 2010


My occupation is quite easy to become burnout. My team need more supporting.





Monday, May 10, 2010




------Felicia 惑於庚寅不見長安愁思中.....

Sunday, May 09, 2010


看著同學們很努力在學習,深感學如逆水行舟,不進則退。故決定開始努力學習!這算是砸下去的第一堂課吧。聽著講師介紹coaching,覺得它真是個十分有趣的思維,當coaching進行時,它不是要去Add something but take something away!

Take something away!從簡單的我感受...我認為...我希望開始,到最後的對方身上。很多時候,因為旁觀者的原因,很容易知道到底是哪兒不對勁了,對於coaching來說,即使看到了、知道了答案,也不能說出來,而是要以「好奇」來引導。好奇發生了什麼事,變成這樣的結果。唔....感覺上算是過程取向(這也是我個人最弱的一環)。

從普世皆然的渴望到因人而異的期待,在冰山之下的那麼一大塊區域,要怎麼使它能「動」?牽一髮而動全身,在認知上都知道,不過,我也相信在過程中,我都忘掉了。怎麼去牽動那「一髮」呢?Take it away. Take it away. Take it away. 得學習從現有中去動吧!

-------Felicia 記於庚寅課程之後.......

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Sorry, time is wrong

Sorry, time is wrong
Can anyone let me know what’s going on?
It’s so funny to ask you to lecture on a training course without checking your time. None has made contact with you. Just give a sheet to let you know that you are on the schedule. Then ask you to give the handout in 3days. Well, well, well, just before the day, one by one call to tell you that your handout isn’t ok. You shouldn’t make such kind of handout, too simple to understand.

Fine, I think I could make it more pages by ppt.

Today, I still felt so nervous with such a lecture. How could I do while one by one to tell me that my handout isn’t ok just in yesterday? I felt so nervous not about whom I will lecture to but the workers. I suppose I have time till 16:40, which was written on the schedule. It was 16:10. Someone come and told me time is wrong. They won’t arrange such section; I should end in 5 mins!

Can anyone let me know what’s going on?

I have to say I am so angry. They don’t treat me with respect. None made contact with me at first. Dislike the handout I give. Wrong introduced about me. I couldn’t understand why they always try to ignore that I have the certificate. So ridiculous about the wrong time!

---------Felicia on 8 May 2010.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Take a break

Take a break
After 3 days of training course, I am so glad to take a break.
I went to Yang-Ming Mountain with my friends on Monday. At first, we thought that there weren’t a lots people, but we were wrong. This place was full of people! It’s Monday, what an amazing place. It’s a nice place. We all love it. See, the lovely entrance. Welcome to this garden.You can choose any isba you like, if none had chosen it. Enjoy the blowing wind. It is so wonderful to have a cup of coffee with friends and take a break.

---------Felicia on 2010.05.03